Copenhagen Architecture Festival together with Nushi Film, Tbilisi Architecture Biennial and partners from Azerbaijan and Armenia, implemented a workshop
with a fellowship format called Film Mosaic 2024 Workshop.
The aim of the Film Mosaic 2024 Workshop was to raise awareness about ecological and urban environmental issues. Five fellows during two-month workshop covered topics about ecology, its challenges in our surroundings and possible solutions, in order to produce individual short films that synthesize the results of their research
and communicate it artistically and effectively.
Participants learned how to document cities and spaces through films and give a voice to the unheard ones. During those workshops, participants had lectures about architecture, ecology, urban issues, inclusiveness, public spaces, but also about how to make films starting from the idea till the editing. The program resulted in
five short films, which were shown in Tbilisi and Copenhagen during April-May 2024.